

Atlanta revolves around Earnest "Earn" Marks (Glover), a loner who returns to his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia (The Peach State) after dropping out of Princeton. Upon his arrival, he discovers his cousin Alfred has become Atlanta's hottest new rap act. The show follows the cousins on their way up through the Atlanta rap scene, where their opposing views on art, commerce, success, and race will make their quest anything but easy. Earn is extremely smart, observant, and lost. As a disillusioned millennial, he struggles to find his calling or "brand" and feels that the game of life is fixed so that he can never win. He recognises that Alfred’s overnight YouTube popularity has the potential to become a life changing opportunity for them both - if he can reign in his cousin's "act first, think later" attitude and get used to his drug-addled, possibly psychic (but definitely odd) sidekick Darius. As Alfred’s manager, Earn may finally find something to which it’s worth committing his energies.

Comedy, Drama, Music

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